In its first year, the Learning NAGPRA project is collecting data to understand how students learn and educators teach about the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act.
There are four ways we are collecting data:
- conducting interviews with educators, students, and repatriation professionals
- sending online surveys to students and faculty in anthropology- and museum studies-related programs
- requesting and analyzing course syllabi
- collecting anthropology and museum studies textbooks to analyze how they discuss NAGPRA
Please see descriptions of project personnel and our project updates for more information. Our IRB-approved Study Information Sheet can be downloaded here. More information about our project data will be updated throughout 2018.
We are happy to announce that the Learning NAGPRA project has been extended with additional funding from the National Science Foundation (grants 1449465, 1540447). A key component of the project for its first three years are the Learning NAGPRA collegiums, where participants work collaboratively to define, think through, and prepare more effective educational materials. To find out more about the first Learning NAGPRA Collegium, held at Indiana University in August 2015, please read the summary here.
With this additional funding, there will be 2 phases of the Learning NAGPRA project: